Our team excels in devising, creating, and executing eCommerce strategies that cater to different Business-to-Business models like traditional B2B, Direct-to-Customer (DTC), B2B2C distribution, and multi-vendor platforms.
Whether you need a streamlined order management system, an innovative digital product sampling platform, an eCommerce ecosystem that integrates with upstream and downstream operations, or even a DTC-launched internet product—we have the expertise and experience to meet your business needs and develop a custom-fit eCommerce strategy that drives success.
TMO 基于多年跨境电商开发的经验,助您通过跨境电商独立站进行国际化扩张,构建规模化和可扩展的系统架构的跨境电商架构。
打造一个统一的后台系统,并满足不同市场的需求,不同站点能可分可合地实施不同市场的内容管理,价格策略,客户管理,和本地运营管理。在保持对所有站点全局控制的同时,确保您整体在线运营更易于管理和本地化, 也为您的未来潜在市场和后期接入ERP,物流等系统做好准备。
不要忽略语言对购买力的决定作用,72% 的消费者意愿使用母语进行网购。不熟悉的语言和货币容易令用户困惑,并可能导致最终放弃购物车。
Allow all stakeholders to join in! Let us guide you on how to create a 360 degree view of your customers and operations. Sales, manufacturing, marketing, and customer service are intertwined in a unified decision-making process. Gather departments' insights and responses with higher transferability and enabling them to respond to customer demands.
By mapping customer workflows & supply chains, we support businesses in transforming and upgrading their procurement, manufacturing, design, and marketing processes, developing new e-business models.
Our team excels in devising, creating, and executing eCommerce strategies that cater to different Business-to-Business models like traditional B2B, Direct-to-Customer (DTC), B2B2C distribution, and multi-vendor platforms.
Whether you need a streamlined order management system, an innovative digital product sampling platform, an eCommerce ecosystem that integrates with upstream and downstream operations, or even a DTC-launched internet product—we have the expertise and experience to meet your business needs and develop a custom-fit eCommerce strategy that drives success.
各国信息设施参差不齐, 服务配置不稳定,易出现宕机等故障,难以保持业务稳定性,如何让来自全球的访问者都能快速,无障碍的安全访问?
社交营销、SEO和Google 付费广告是跨境电商出口获取流量的最主要方式,而网红营销的重要性才开始被跨境电商企业关注,别小看EDM这种营销方式,也是在海外历久弥新的散发着光彩。到底是在Tiktok开展短视频营销还在虏获千禧一代的Snapchat做AR广告? 我们为您打造从拉新引流,创造品牌声量到转化留存的电商一站式闭环解决方案。
Allow all stakeholders to join in! Let us guide you on how to create a 360 degree view of your customers and operations. Sales, manufacturing, marketing, and customer service are intertwined in a unified decision-making process. Gather departments' insights and responses with higher transferability and enabling them to respond to customer demands.
By mapping customer workflows & supply chains, we support businesses in transforming and upgrading their procurement, manufacturing, design, and marketing processes, developing new e-business models.